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Prime Leave

Sign up for an account at ZLA NATCA Bidding to see personalized information

Bidding will start 
Monday Oct 16th, 2023 @ 0700L


How to Bid?

Once you are in your bid window:

CALL or TEXT your bid


Please do not call or text ahead of your bid time.  Bids will only be accepted during your assigned window. 

If you are not at work, YOU MUST BE AVAILABLE, during your bidding window to receive and reply calls/texts in the event there are any errors.

Once you bid, you may not cancel or change any bid days until bidding is complete!

You may submit any change requests to only after the conclusion of the bidding process. 


Have your selections ready before you make the call.


IMPORTANT: If the phone is not answered, DO NOT LEAVE A MESSAGE (MESSAGES WILL NOT BE CHECKED).  Instead call back in a few minutes.


Use the following format:

  • Full Name (Operating Initials) 

  • Area

  • Line # & RDO's

  • Answer Yes or No: Flex, Mid, AWS

  • Annual Leave Dates

Not Available?

Please leave a proxy bid with either your Area Rep/Alternate Rep. No one else can proxy for you.

Miss it?

If you miss your bid window, you will still have the opportunity to bid at any time during the current round, as long as it does not interfere with another BUE’s bid. You may NOT bid in any previous round that has closed, until the conclusion of the bidding process.

Access the RDO lines for your area from the top menu.


Access leave slots by clicking on your area then click on the corresponding month.


Round 1:

  • Select RDOs and corresponding line # 

  • Select to:

    • Flex your shifts

    • Work mids (if your area allows)*

    • AWS (I.e. 9,9,8,7,7). *

  • Bid round 1 leave slots.

* not applicable to 4-10 hours shift


Rounds 2-4:

Subsequent rounds of bidding, only need to provide your leave selections. 


Round 1: Prime Time Leave


1 or 2 weeks, consecutive or nonconsecutive.  Leave selections of less than 1 week shall be considered as a full week during round 1.


  • A week is 5 consecutive work days (5 day weeks) or 4 days (4 - 10 hour days).

  • May be split  or wrap around RDOs.

    • If splitting or wrapping around RDOs: first day to RDO's to last day = 1 week or 7 days ​(days skip in between also count)


Once an Area has completed a round of bidding, their next round will not start until the last Area has finished that round. There will be 1 (empty) day of validation between rounds.


The website will be updated continually during bidding hours but may take up to one hour to be updated depending on how many people are bidding at once. REMEMBER TO VERIFY YOUR BIDS WITHIN 24 HOURS OF YOUR BID TIME and contact NATCA at 661-434-1004 if any discrepancies are noted.

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